So Much Mercy (part 1)


Story time! To start tonight share any stories of the following variety:

  • Scary boat stories.

  • I thought I might die but I didn’t stories. 

  • I saw something huge in the water stories. 

Don’t spend all night on this, but have fun! 


This week we told  the story of God, Jonah, and the big fish. Did you learn anything new? Were you reminded of anything interesting? Any surprises?

God asked Jonah to go preach to his enemies. What’s one of the hardest things God’s ever asked you to do? OR What’s something God asked you to do that you didn’t want to do? Why didn’t you want to be obedient? 

Have you ever run from God? Was there ever a time you knew what God wanted and you intentionally ran the other way? Tell your group about it. 

  • What were the consequences?

Justin said at the close of his sermon (in reference to the storm and Jonah being swallowed by the whale), “God is not chasing you in order to pay you back. God is chasing you in order to win you back.” 

  • Have you ever confused God’s mercy with punishment? 

  • Have you ever had a time when God’s plan was to save you but the blessing of salvation looked like a curse?

What are some ways God disciplines us in order to call us back into obedience? Do you have any personal examples? What about examples from scripture? 


Read Hebrews 12: 4-11

  • What is the purpose of discipline?

  • Where does discipline come from? 

  • What is the effect of discipline endured?

  • Have you ever been trained by God’s discipline? How are you stronger/wiser/more mature?



This week let’s pray for...

  1. The faith to obey God and go where He calls 

  2. The wisdom to welcome and embrace God’s discipline

  3. The courage to repent when we’ve run away

If anyone in your group has a specific thing God’s asking them to do that they don’t feel up to doing, pray for that person by name. You might consider putting your hands on their shoulders or gathering around them.

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