Decide (Part 1): So You Got A Decision Coming Up...


Happy New Year! This Sunday, we jumped into our first series of the new year. It’s a 3 part series focusing on what it can look like as a Spirit-filled & Spirit-led people to make Spirit-filled & Spirit-led decisions. 

  • To start your first group meeting of the year, we invite you to share the following question & then give a minute of silence for folks to process their answer: What is one hope you have for your small group from now through the end of the Spring?

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • What is the serpent accusing God of in v. 4-5?

  • What observations can you make about how Adam and Eve responded to sinning? How does it affect their relationship with God?

  • Are you surprised by God’s response to Adam and Eve’s choice in the garden? What does it tell you about God?


  • When you think about God’s role in the midst of the decisions you make, big and small, how would you characterize it? 

  • What upcoming decision in your life is taking the most of your time, energy and planning? Is it draining you or giving you life?

  • Share about a season when you questioned the goodness of God. 



  • What sources tend to influence you in making poor decisions? And what would it look like for you to replace those things with involving God more intentionally in your decision-making process? 

  • What’s a big decision you have made that you learned from? And how has it affected the decisions you have made moving forward in your life?


  • As y’all close time in group today, we invite you to return to the first question today. Pray over the hopes and dreams that group members have for this upcoming semester and ask God to help bring those hopes to fruition. 

Matt DeLano