Decide (Part 2): Deciding & Discerning


This Sunday, we jumped into part 2 of a series called Decide. To start the year, we are turning our focus to what it looks like as a Spirit-filled & Spirit-led people to make Spirit-filled & Spirit-led decisions. To start group reflect on this set of questions:

  • What type of decision-maker are you normally  (emotional, analytical, intuitive, risk-averse/cautious, impulsive, risk-taker, independent, dependent on others, or something else)?

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • How has Paul’s experience of Christ shaped his perspective on life?

  • Make a list of all the things that Paul prays for on behalf of the Philippians in v. 9-11

  • How is knowledge connected to love and what knowledge is Paul referring to in v. 9?


  • How would you define discernment?

  • What areas of your life are hardest for you to bring God into the equation before deciding the best direction to go?

  • What is the hardest decision you’ve had to make? Did it take a lot of time, energy, etc? How did you come to the decision?



  • Share about a time when you made a decision that you felt was brought about by spending time praying to God and the outcome of the decision was better than you expected. 

  • What would it look like for you to grow in knowledge and discernment this year?

  • If God answered this prayer at RRCOC, what would we see in our relationships, our work lives, the way we serve, etc.?


  • We invite you to pray about a few upcoming groups that the church is launching: Alpha on Wednesdays  starting Feb 28th (opportunity to serve, sponsor & pray) and GriefShare on Sundays starting January 28th. We want to invite y’all to pray for those initiatives and ask God to show any members of the group if they might need to make a decision to jump into one of these environments.

Matt DeLano