Decide (Part 5): The Will of God


This Sunday, we closed out the series,  Decide. In this series, we have turned  our focus to what it looks like as a Spirit-filled & Spirit-led people to make Spirit-filled & Spirit-led decisions. To start group reflect on this question:

  • Do you have a place you go to when you need to get away and think clearly? Where is it?

This week we are inviting your group to choose questions from the multiple options below.  Our hope is that these questions might help you to lead your discussion in a way that makes sense for your group this week as y’all “talk it out” and “live it out”.



  • What conflict is Asaph/the Psalmist addressing with God? Why is Asaph struggling?

  • When the Psalmist speaks of God’s counsel (v. 24), what is he talking about? What is the counsel of God?

  • Make a list of the truths that the Psalmist repeats to himself about God (v.23-25)? How might naming these truths affect his posture?


  • Share a time when you made a decision thinking you were led by God’s will and in the end you met disappointment or burnout. 

  • When you don’t sense God’s direction or clarity in a big decision, what is your usual next step? How do you proceed in the uncertainty?

  • What area of life is God inviting you to partner with him in right now that you are not quite ready for?



  • Are silence and solitude with God a part of your normal rhythms/practices/habits? Why or why not?

  • Share a moment when you partnered with God  without knowing clearly what to do? What led you to respond in the way you did?


  • This week, as y’all close together, we want to invite anyone in the group to share any big or small decisions they are walking through or struggling through right now. Pray over these and consider closing with the Psalmist's words in v. 26, “my flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”

Matt DeLano